Tuesday 29 January 2013





There has been an increase in burglaries in your neigbourhood and the residents are very worried about their safety. A committee, suggest ways to make the neighbourhood a safer place.

TASK A       : You suggest the residents improve the safety feautures of the neigbourhoood.
                        Give reasons for your suggestion.

TASK B       : In your group, discuss which one of the following suggestions would be most effective
                       to make your neighbourhood a safer place.

                       The suggestions are:
                       i.      the residents improve the safety feautures of the neighbourhood
                      ii.      a police officer be invited to give a talk on security measures
                     iii.      residents be taught how to defend themselves against intruders
                     iv.     'Rukun Tetangga" teams be set up to patrol the neighbourhood at night


 GREETINGS    Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to teachers and friends.

 BODY          In my opinion, one way to make the neighbourhod a safer place is by improving the safety feautures. I have a few reasons to support my suggestion.

                         First, burglaries happen because there are no deterrents, for example, no grilles on windows or cheap locks are used. Thus burglars can easily enter the houses. Therefore, to make the neighbourhood a safer place, grilles should be installed on windows as well as at the entrance of back lanes between rows of houses. The cost of the black lanes grilles can be shared by the residents in the houses. Then every house is given a key for emergencies. This will further deter burglars from trying to break  in as it will take longer to cut through he grilles as they might be seen by other residents.

                         Secondly, there are so many dark areas in our neighbourhood where  the    burglars can hide. So, to eliminate all the potential hiding places, the dark areas of the garden and at the back of the houses should be lightup. Besides that, residents must also keep their garden well-maintained and prevent them from becoming overgrown for criminals   to hide in. The clearing of overgrown shrubs on the pavement or roadside must be shared     responsibility of all residents. This can be done by organizing occasional 'gotong royong' session.

                        Thirdly, this is a quite expensive way, but surely an effective deterrent. Residents, who can afford the cost can install burglar alarms that are linked to security companies. Items that are stored outside can be easily carted off  such as bicycles or gas tanks need to chained up. Even expensive shoes should not be kept in public view. Lock them away when not in use. This will deter potential burglars from attempting to steal them.
                         Fourthly, residents can get the authorities to install road bumps to deter cars from speeding away. This will make the burglar's escape difficult.

                        Finally, put in place  system for neighbours to alert one another if they need   help. Each household should keep a whistle handy. If an intruder is spotted at night, blow the whistle to alert other residents and to get help to apprehend  the intruder. If the residents work together as a team, burglars will be deterred from trying to rob that neighbourhood. In addition, residents are also encouraged to carry pepper sprays as this can be used in case of  confrontations with robbers.

Conclusion  Based on all these reasons, I strongly propose that improving the safety feautures  will be the best way to make the neighbourhood a safer place. I hope that my suggestion would be in your kindly consideration. Thank you.


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