Wednesday 9 January 2013

SkiLLs In MUeT

Assalamualaikum and Hi again!!!!

         Ok, for today, i will explain a little bit about Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

          MUET is a compulsory test for the STPM candidates as well as for the students at the tertiary level. The test is conducted twice a year that are in May and also October. There are 4 language skills tested in muet that are :





  •     The test gauges the English Language profiency and competency.
  •     All STPM,matricuation students are required to take this test.
  •     Unlike the SPM 1119 English Paper, MUET is a criterion reference test. The bencmarks are predetermined through expert judgement and they ranged from an extremely limited user ( Band 1 ) to a very good user ( Band 6 ).

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